A King by a different first name smells as sweet! D. Nichole King Best selling author! Na/Ya Urban Fantasy and Romance OH MY!

“Surreal. And a little weird. I mean, people are actually enjoying something I wrote! It’s crazy!” D Nichole King

So, we have done Angels, dead guys skipping bodies, and now we are doing ghosts and a very heart wrenching (I hear) story about a girl struggling with her health.

Today we make eyes at the fabulous Best Selling Author D. Nichole King. Miss D, welcome-welcome!

D: *blushes* Thanks for having me!

Before we get onto your amazing career, please have a seat, spin in my new chair. Nice, huh? That’s real pleather, my dear.

D: Ohhhh! Nice! *spins around* Whee!!

Only the best for my guests! Right, folks?

Yes, yes, everyone hold your questions a moment.


If I was to spy on you, Nichole, or should we call you D.? I’m so used to calling you the chick with that new awesome book that’s climbing up the charts I forget!

D: HA! My friends call me D, so you can call me Nichole. LOL! Just joking!

Oh I gots jokes, Miss King 😉

If I were to spy on you, what would surprise me to find out? (Besides the naughty stuff, unless you must *blinks*)

D: I’m so ordinary! Really, I am. Like every other Iowa family, we grow all of our own food, raise cattle, pigs, and have acres of beans and corn. I get up at 4am so we can have fresh milk from our dairy cow, and I collect eggs from the coop. By 6am, I have fresh baked bread in the oven and am busy making our own soap.

Okay, so not really. I am ordinary, though. I stay home with my four young children, so my days are spent chasing them around and attempting to keep everyone alive.

LOL The whole milking the cow thing would have been so cool, though.

So two books, eh? That’s like having twins!

D: Yeah, pretty much!

We all want to know how you managed that. I can barely remember to turn my oven off… Oh Gads! (runs to oven), okay everyone calm down we are good. So, how’d ya do it?

D: It’s not as exciting as it sounds. I wrote The Spirit four years ago, after my first daughter was born, then I immediately started working on The Body. Then we bought our first house, moved, and started remodeling. Life happened, and writing took a back seat. That and I wasn’t convinced I wanted to share it with the world yet. After our second daughter was born, my husband nudged me, saying I needed to get back to that. It’s good enough, and it made me happy. He said I just needed to go for it. So, I got back to work. While I was querying The Spirit, I started working on Love Always, Kate.

Nice! Points for hubby.

Tell me a bit about your best seller Love Always, Kate the unedited blurb for those who don’t know it yet.

D: Kate is 17 year-old girl who has spent her life fighting leukemia. For the last seven years, all she’s known is hospitals, radiation, and chemotherapy. During this relapse, she’s desperate to just be a normal teenage girl, whatever that means. She meets Damian, her oncologist’s son, and learns what makes him lash out at the world. Her feelings for him confuse her: does she love him for him, or does she just want to fix him because she thinks she can understand him?

Sounds fantastic! I love it already, although….I’ve heard some rumors about crying and loads of happy tears! What is that all about? Is there a surprise bill at the end?

D: 😀 There might be… 

Me to you when I read this.

Tell us a bit about your new release!

D: The Spirit takes place in Villisca, Iowa, a real-life ghost town with a real haunted house. It’s supposedly one of the scariest places in the U.S. Here, you can see for yourself: http://www.villiscaiowa.com/

I used the town and the history to create the backdrop of this story, weaving in paranormal, romance, fantasy, and horror. My main character, Carrie, is forced to spend the summer with her grandparents in Villisca while her parents work out the details of their divorce. All Carrie wants to do is ignore the troubles and hopefully they’ll just go away. Unfortunately, trouble finds her, and this time, it’s calling the all the shots. She’s caught up in a web of secrets, and she feels like she’s just along for the ride, unable to control anything in her life.

I secretly call it the book with the guy with glowing eyes.

I’ve heard it’s spooky? Ghosts! Tell me have you ever seen one?

D: There’s definitely a creep-factor to it! And no, I’ve never seen a ghost…thankfully!

Well… tadah!

I know your current location had something to do with this. There is like local haunted houses, and stuff. Is that where you met Mr. D Nichole? Com’on spill it, are there extra sheets between the sheets?

D: I didn’t want this to come out, but yes. My husband is a ghost. Okay, obviously that’s not true. Hubby and I have known each other since grade school.

Hmmmm still not convinced, but ok.

On a scale of Twilight to don’t-share-this-with-grandma where would you rate these books?

D: Depends on your grandma! But I’d say that The Spirit Trilogy rates about even with Twilight, but Love Always, Kate is not recommended for anyone under 17 due to language and sexual situations.

You don’t know my Grandma?

Okay. I have to ask this. Why penguins? Why not anything other…and just fluffier than penguins! They rock but…pet factor?

D: I LOVE penguins! They waddle and are so stinking adorable! I’ve always wanted a pet penguin.

Well this is probably something that we will have to debate at another time. It could take all day for me to describe all of the animals that are better than penguins alphabetically.

What are your plans? These books are full of such range! I mean I read something about Dragons, but then I’m like no, no way, she has to leave some of the otherness to the rest of us! At the same time I’m like what will she do next!

D: I’m not sure I could come up with something about dragons or not. Might be too high fantasy for me, but who knows, right? As of now, I’m working on The Body and The Soul, books #2 & 3 of the Spirit Trilogy, and a sequel to Love Always, Kate–the title of which is still in the air. After that, I’ll just randomly pick one of the hundreds of stories floating around in my head and bring it to life!

Hundreds? FANTASTIC!

Where can I find your best seller?


Where can I find your new book?


Where can I find you? No really, like I’m going to google earth your house right now. Fine. Just give me Facebook page, and blog then….sheesh people are so careful these days.

D: Not sure if you could me on Google; I live underground… No, really. *shifts eyes*
You can FB friend me here: https://www.facebook.com/dnichole.king
FB like me here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/D-Nichole-King/127774904070474
And I try to keep my website and blog updated. http://www.dnicholeking.com

A couple of action shots of our fair author, her family, and her pup!



Well it’s been fab! I mean really two books???? I’m still boggled, but envious, and only a teeny bit jealous.

I admit I’ve read a few of the blurbs/excerpts with this look afterward.

We loved having you and until next time, let me just say, keep your lights on at night and a tissue box handy while giving this new ground breaking artist a peep!

Stay tough, stay reading!


6 thoughts on “A King by a different first name smells as sweet! D. Nichole King Best selling author! Na/Ya Urban Fantasy and Romance OH MY!

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  1. Read Love Always, Kate in four hours straight! Couldn’t put it down. The characters draw you in and the story makes you laugh, cry, get angry….

    D. Is going to blow up! So excited to read the Spirit next


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